The Power of Optimism

Generasi GIGIH Week 4 Reflection

Axel Haikal Yusup
2 min readAug 5, 2021

I shouldn’t have scored this much…

Before I tell the details, I want to say that the score I got was not at all what I expected. Reflecting on all the effort I’ve put in, I think the score I got was way too high than I expected. Instead of worrying too much about many things, I think this feeling is the trigger for me to feel more confident that I can certainly get better and my position at the end of this program will soar much higher. So, long story short, I believe that I will be able to move on to the next stage in the GIGIH Generation program.

Congratulations to my peers who made it to the top

I’d like to congratulate my peers who managed to score in the top position, I certainly feel that they are people who have extraordinary tenacity. This should not be an obstacle for me personally to be better than what I have achieved now. From them I can learn that persistence and an attitude of never giving up are the main keys in solving a problem

Stay persistent! Don’t Give up!

We must have done the best we could to get to this point. A big score or a small score is just a number. Deep in our hearts, we certainly know what our capacity is and what things must be done to be able to move forward. For me, we are not in this life to walk on the same track and prove who goes forward and reaches the finish line first like a race. We live at our own pace, our own goals, and of course we have to believe in ourselves. To all my peers, don’t give up.

“Lampaui Batasmu.”



Axel Haikal Yusup

This might sound ridiculous, but I want to build a time machine!